
Win Streak Down, Attack Attempts Up

Well our march to a win streak high was doinked today. We made it to 9-wins, and then lost the 10th in a close fought war. The match was a little odd, the opponents had 3 very low TH6 bases, and then a jump to TH9. So our lower levels had little to do, whilst our lower TH9s were stretched. They were on their 23rd-win streak! We did have one new record made though. Bmorecracker was attacked 7 times before finally being defeated! That's got to be some sort of record!
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War: 11-Jul-17 – WIN

War: 11-Jul-17 – WIN

WOW!!! OUR EIGTH PERFECT WAR!!! And our 7th in a row! Tein is pulling his weight at the top, with yet another awesome pair of attacks! Zef also, again with the perfect 6! And welcomen back Crack! Nice job! Also, big shout out to a few others who had great performances! Timmy, with yet another solid performance, and Sherlock, with his first hits in the clan looking promosing! And, as usual Doom, with his consistency returning! SUPERB WAR THIS TIME SHAKERS!
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War: 9-Jul-17 – WIN

War: 9-Jul-17 – WIN

A very close fought war, with a 1-percent win! Some good battles, with medals going to Doom with the usual mass drag, Dex for some good LaLoon up-hits, and gru for an almost-6 with the witches! Also, a shout-out to Tien, our newest member, with solid winner hits on their 1 and 2 -- sweet job Tien! As a reminder... get 6 medals and you get to change the clan badge! Current standings can been seen on Ms. Spready. So far we have Doomsayer, Bear, and Gage with badge changing privs! Step up peeps! And finally. Last war saw some *very* late hits by our TH* and low-9s. So a reminder — th8 and low 9s MUST hit within the fist 12 hours, preferable within the first 6 hours. With tough…
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War: 7-Jul-17 – WIN

War: 7-Jul-17 – WIN

Very good war for us, and an excellent start for new member tienqctn, with a first war 6-pack against the enemy 1 and 2 bases! Zef pulled another solid 6-pack showing some variety with a shattered GoVaHo and LaLo, and Kanar with some shattered LaLo action as well!
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War: 5-Jul-17 – WIN

War: 5-Jul-17 – WIN

Very strange attack strategy from the opponent. Waited until the last few hours, attacks bottom up hitting the same targets over and over, using the same strategy. #thingstonotdo. No medals this war, but very good attacks from Zef! Nice job!
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